My Coaching

I help you make better decisions by connecting you back to your true authentic self.

“Your life is a result of the choices you have made. If you don’t like your life, start making better choices.” ZIG ZIGLAR  

The best decisions we can make are those that align with our true authentic self. When we make decisions from this place we are connected to our values and purpose and our life has deep, enriching meaning. We are energised and uplifted because we are living in congruence with our true nature. However, modern life can mean that many of us make decisions out of fear and not love for our own essence, meaning that we are out of alignment of who we really are and what we can be. We carry limiting stories of ourselves based on meaning we gave past events and the fear embedded within us as a result stifles our growth and fulfilment, leading us to make decisions which appear to be “safe” yet in reality they strip us away from our soul and cause us suffering.

My coaching reroutes your path by reconnecting you to your true north. Your true north is unique. It is not about understanding what the unanimous “right way” (there is no such thing) is but it is about understanding and embodying what is most resonant and true for you as an individual. Once you are connected to your own true north, your path becomes clear and infinitely fulfilling. Any previous “navigational errors” will be understood and future mapping will be instinctive.

My own path became clear once I had repeatedly stumbled – hard and painfully – on obstacles of my own making. In my early twenties I became anorexic. I was having an identity crisis. I believed I had to be excellent in certain areas of life where experience had imprinted on me that I was lacking. The toxic question:”How can I ever survive and thrive when I’m not “enough”? loomed large in my mind. Through years of repeating the same debilitating pattern suddenly the words my father spoke, “You will never lead a full life if you continue this way” finally hit home. Once I focused on wanting to lead a full life I started to pay more attention to the things that would enable it versus fixating on everything I believed I lacked and would mean I couldn’t live the life I wanted to live. Step by step, life became richer as I connected with my true self.

It’s taken me years and multiple  – at times agonising – experiences and episodes to really believe in myself and my capability. It’s been a one step forward, two steps back, no movement, two steps forward, one step back kind of journey! It’s been a journey of trust. Can I trust myself? Can I trust others? Is all this personal growth stuff really just BS designed to enable inauthentic people make sales? I’ve had to experience growth for myself and witness what happens when I apply my learnings and what happens when I don’t. (Spoiler alert – application is everything!) I’ve had to look and be with my past and process the meaning I deduced from certain events. I’ve had to be held in deep empathy and compassion and unconditional positive regard from psychotherapists and coaches and group work whilst taking risks to step into my true self.

My hope is that I can save you a lot of the suffering and unfulfilling time I endured by being disconnected from my own true nature and help you swiftly and securely step back onto your path of fulfilment and truth.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” ANAIS NIN


I gained my  Co-Active Life Coach and Positive Intelligence Coach certification whilst in journalism writing for publications which include The Daily Mail, Evening Standard, Psychologies, Tatler. I was seeking deeper insights into ways I could more expansively connect to myself and others to feel more purposeful, powerful and fulfilled. The profound revelations I gained during my coach training connected me with my ultimate purpose; to help lift people up and bring them together.

My coaching incorporates science and spirituality to imbibe a sense of ultimate authenticity, significance, connection and purpose to life. I give careful, sensitive attention to the whole self not just “the problem”, providing a sacred space for processing pain and transforming it into individual super powers, purpose, strength, direction and self leadership. This whole, transformative, embodied approach is what I have personally found most healing and enlightening during my own journey and provides a robust, tangible framework to progressively work with every day. One of my own super powers is being deeply sensitive to individual needs whilst knowing when to assertively challenge and take people further.


My mission is to be a catalyst for vitality and unity whilst simultaneously making my own lifelong commitment to continuous growth and transcendence.


  • EUDAIMONIC HAPPINESS (Finding meaning and purpose. Self-fulfilment and self-improvement both contribute to this form of happiness.)


One of my core values is continuous improvement which is what the Japanese Kaizen philosophy is all about. I am constantly learning and growing to expand my offering. I am currently studying transpersonal psychology to gain BACP therapist accreditation.


The Positive Intelligence method is a scientific model that reveals the core factors of performance and wellbeing based on the latest research in neuroscience, cognitive behavioural science, positive psychology and performance science, to dramatically simplify and sharpen personal and professional development. In short, this method identifies our self-sabotaging behaviours, their origins and science-based strategies to overcome them. Combined with coaching techniques my clients are mobilised to make important improvements in every aspect of their lives.


According to the International Consensus Conference on Spiritual Care in Health Care, spirituality is “the way individuals seek ultimate meaning, purpose, connection, value, or transcendence.” I advocate and offer opportunities to spend time in nature, group sessions, meditation, gratitude and breathwork. Research has shown that those who have a spiritual practise are happier and healthier.

My coaching is about bringing each individual back home to their true, authentic nature by identifying unique strengths, purpose and overcoming the limiting beliefs that have been blocking potential since childhood. Throughout the coaching process I hold my clients accountable to implementing progressive, goal aligned change. I provide a set of tools that clients can use daily and support the continuous excavation of each individual’s fullest potential.

Today, our culture is experiencing a loneliness epidemic and extreme subsequent mental and physical health malaises. Former US Surgeon Dr Vivek Murphy describes loneliness as being more detrimental to our health than 15 cigarettes per day.  We are more in need of connection, community and whole, embodied living than ever before in human history. The decision to invest in our own growth, embodied awareness, connections and potential is the decision to “wave by wave” create an ocean of collective change.


Self awareness, identity, embodied living, strengths, areas for personal growth, purpose, goals, fulfilment, connection, communication, confidence, empowered self-leadership.

I work with clients on a one-to-one and group basis in-person or via zoom.

I provide an initial free phone consultation to answer any questions and give further insights into my coaching process with zero obligation to sign-up.


By transforming and optimising the way people think, feel and communicate vast improvements in wellbeing, quality of life and relationships plus productivity and performance are made.


I give a variety of talks on self awareness, confidence, connection, clarity, communication and overcoming self sabotaging behaviours. Clients include Home House, Home Grown, Bamford. If you’d like me to speak at your event or coach at a retreat please get in touch.

To book a consultation or further information please email me: [email protected]

Certified by:

Separately: If you’re interested in purchasing my fitness ebook detailing the plan I followed for The Mail on Sunday it is available on iTunes and Amazon Kindle as Poppy’s Secret.