I am delighted to add two new venues to my coaching locations!
If you’re interested in joining a group there are two options.
Join a community coaching session (2 hrs). Here the group will each share what they’d like to work on and receive coaching from me plus support and encouraging feedback from the group to create a powerful strategy fr you to achieve your goal. Step into a space of unstoppable growth– where deep support, sharp self-awareness and rock-solid accountability come together to fuel real change. Commitment minimum: 6 consecutive sessions bi-monthly.
Drop into a specific coaching session on a chosen topic (connection, confidence, clarity, self awareness, communication skills, imposter syndrome).… Continue reading...
What is your mission?
I want to lift people up and bring people together.
One way I’m doing this in is by offering group life coaching sessions in local London boroughs.
What qualification do you have?
I am a certified Co-Active Life Coach and trained in Stanford University’s Shirzad Chamine’s psychology, neuroscience and positive psychology Intelligence method. Before coaching I wrote about health and wellbeing for titles which include The Mail on Sunday, Evening Standard, Psychologies and Tatler.
Countless research tells us that we’ve never been lonelier and more disconnected and how destructive this is to our health, wellbeing and happiness. … Continue reading...
Starting TOMORROW! I am delighted to be teaming up with Bamford, a soulFULL brand that puts “community and well-being at the heart of [its] philosophy.” My community coaching session tomorrow is virtual and on 26th June my coaching workshop will be held at Bamford’s Brompton Cross site in London.
Information and links to book both events are below. I hope to see you there! x
Book your ticket for tomorrow’s virtual community coaching session at 6pm UK time!
Come for coaching. Come for connection. Bring your biggest challenge, your biggest dream, your biggest fear and let’s go beyond them.
As a mindset and performance coach Poppy Cross helps her clients achieve their life goals by removing their limiting beliefs and behaviours that block their ability to thrive.… Continue reading...
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The number of people in the UK affected by allergy is on the rise – however – many suffering are unaware of their allergies.
Living with an allergy can have a significant impact on the life of the person affected and in severe cases, serious consequences. What with the year we’ve all just had and ongoing Covid pandemic it’s even more important to have the confidence of knowing what’s an allergy and what could be covid or just a simple cough or cold.
Allergies are common but often not diagnosed1. If you are curious about the symptoms you’re experiencing and wonder if they are caused by an allergy, you can order a home allergy test for answers.… Continue reading...
As human beings it’s our default setting to imagine the worst. Historically, being vigilant of danger is what kept us safer from being eaten by lions and out of harms way.
Yet in today’s world we are of course (unless we happen to find ourselves roaming the African savannas!) not in danger of getting eaten by lions, but, our brain’s can still be triggered by unfavourable events to make us feel the same lion-threat is there. This renders many people into hyper states of anxiety and panic. The good news however is that we can learn to consciously choose a more appropriate response for the different (no lion is coming after me) threat.… Continue reading...
When I tell people I meet that I’m a life coach one of the first frequently asked questions I get is (put simply); What gives you the authority to tell people how they should live their lives? And when someone doesn’t know what life coaching is all about, it’s absolutely a fair one.
The assumption and belief held by those who ask this question is that the role of a life coach is to tell people how to correctly live life and that we (us life coaches) believe we know it all. This couldn’t be further from the truth!
The key principle that good life coaches understand is that there is no right or wrong.… Continue reading...
The challenges of 2020 have been profound and unprecedented.
I know and am extremely grateful for how fortunate I’ve been to remain well and safe with a secure income this year yet, even so, there are times when the uninvited upheaval to every-day normality has taken a toll.
When I fled London nearly two weeks ago to take refuge for lockdown II, I warmly remembered some wisdom from the Buddhists which brought powerful, positive and productive perspective for the weeks ahead. The wisdom comes in the following metaphor.
The Buddhists say that any time we suffer misfortune, two arrows fly our way.… Continue reading...
Simply put, I coach my clients on the parts of their personal and professional lives in which they want to experience –not just improvements – but real fulfilment and optimisation. This can be anything from career, personal growth & self-actualisation, relationships, money and health (physical and mental fitness).
Many of my clients embark on their uniquely tailored one-to-one coaching programme with me focused on excelling in their career and personal growth. Some are CEO’s of large corporations and want to improve and develop their communication and leadership skills, some are entrepreneurs and want to gain awareness and key insights on how they can improve their impact, efficiency and productivity.… Continue reading...
We are often told that we should love ourselves and give ourselves some love. Yet sadly, explanations of why this is so fundamental are thin on the ground and so too therefore are the suggestions of how we can love ourselves, what this will add to our lives and most importantly – how we inevitably benefit exponentially if we choose to.
First up let’s remove the “should”. Tell someone they “should” do something and watch how quickly they turn in the other direction instantly drained by the drudging despair of “should”. What I’d like to offer you instead is a choice because that’s really what true self-love is; a choice.… Continue reading...
The “dark night of the soul” is a term that goes back a long time.
It’s used to describe a time/s in life when things suddenly feel meaningless and one’s inner state feels deeply depressed. Nothing makes sense anymore, there’s no purpose to anything. Sometimes it’s triggered by some external event, some disaster perhaps, on an external level. The death of someone close to you could trigger it. The meaning that you had given your life, your identity, relationship, career, habit or belief system that determined your activities, your achievements, your purpose and what you considered to be important, collapses. The whole conceptual framework for your life, the meaning that your mind had given it, crumbles and inevitably leaves you in a dark place.… Continue reading...